「When men
speak of "an ancient kingdom," it is not meant thereby that it has
lofty trees in it, but that it has ministers sprung from families which have
been noted in it for generations. Your Majesty has no intimate ministers even.
Those whom you advanced yesterday are gone to-day, and you do not know it.」
梅校長名言可譯為 「When men speak of a great university, it
does not mean that it has magnificent building, but it has great scholars.」
另劉真先生的《教育問題平議》(商務印書館,1987年) 一書中,曾提到「美國教育史上著名的霍普金斯大學(The Johns Hopkins University)大學創校校長吉爾曼(Daniel Coit Gilman),即著重於如何遴聘優良教授主持學術研究工作。」吉爾曼在就職演講中曾說: 「好的大學必須有好的教授」(We cannot have a great university without great professors)。他另有一句三個字的名言是:「Man , not buildings」,也就是「大學所需要的是宏大的人,而非大廈」,引申可為「所謂大學者,非謂有大樓之謂也,有大師之謂也」,較適切英譯是「The essence of a great university is
to have top scholars, not big buildings」,另或可譯為「A great university may not have
magnificent buildings, but must have great scholars.」